Our Divine Assignment

I still believe America can be a shining beacon of hope. The invitation Jesus offered to Jerusalem, He extends to us today as a nation in crisis. “Oh, America, how I long for you to come to Me like chicks to the hen.” He invites us to come to the shelter, to the shadow of the Almighty. As believers, we must extend a clear call to return to the security and direction that God freely offers.

In the Old Testament, God repeatedly told His people that if they would return to Him, He would bless them. God wants to bless us beyond anything we could ever imagine, but it requires that we stay in His presence. In turn, He wants us to become a blessing to the nations of the world. Jesus told the 12 that were closest to Him to go disciple the nations. We don’t have to be overanxious for the future kingdom of heaven. We must focus on the assignment that God has given us here and now, because Jesus announced, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

People have heard lies for so long, when they hear the truth it sounds like something from outer space. Do keep in mind, however, wisdom does come from above. If we accept the proclamation of Jesus that the kingdom of the heavens is here all around and we are to live in the manifest presence of our God and Father, this makes clear what the wisest man Solomon said in Proverbs, “Truth is lifting its voice at the head of every street.”

Later he says it actually shouts, but even believers often become dull of hearing, resulting from the continual barrage of lies and the failure of pulpits to boldly herald the truth.If we will deliver the truth, even while understanding the enemy’s desire to distort, misrepresent, or ignore it, I believe the people will hear it. This requires the local church to stop simply being a religious organization, but actually become the hands and feet of Jesus, living as His disciples.

We must be connected to one another and submitted to Christ, the head. We must also understand and value the importance of each other. Believers that are not properly connected to one another short-circuit God’s power.

We are sent out on a divine assignment. We are not called to promote a denomination or political party, but to leave the imprint of God on all denominations, political parties and every sphere of influence. We must become name-less, ego-less and logo-less. We have a nation going down and who cares who gets the credit. It’s not a matter of trying to wrap the Bible with a flag.

We must recognize biblical principles applied to a nation’s life are better than anti-biblical principles. Wherever you see believers working, pray that they are ambassadors for Christ. Each of us must be true to the word of God and the principles on which we must build, which pierce the darkness with the light of God’s truth.

I am not talking about organizing a base of power, but mobilizing a people to release God’s power all over the earth. If we understand what He wishes to accomplish and commit to doing it, God’s purpose will be accomplished in His power and by His Spirit. The church is a diverse group of people, but we can learn to hear God together and respond in a way that sets an example of unity, as we communicate and find common ground to address common concerns without compromising biblical convictions. We do not have to forfeit our uniqueness and diversity to come together in harmony, revealing the purpose of God.

A foundation established on biblical principles makes it possible to be productive, creative and prosperous. The Kingdom of God, revealed by genuine love and grace, will affect human character. Never take lightly the important role the church must fulfill on earth. Opportunities, success and prosperity are not the problem.

Forsaking God and the failure to live under His control and in a responsible manner is the culprit. Let us, as believers and caring Americans, not forsake and fault the very potential for being blessed and blessing others. Do not place the blame in the wrong places. We must take personal responsibilities for our actions.

If you are concerned about the social issues of poverty, suffering, pressing needs, the right to life, marriage, family, and basic moral values, you must also become concerned about addressing current economic challenges. Bad fiscal practices contribute to these very real problems and make it more difficult to effectively assist those in need.

If you want to alleviate suffering, practice charity, support meaningful outreaches, express compassion, provide for the needy, keep your job, and create opportunity while having protection and security, you must get prayerfully involved and demand fiscal accountability and necessary adjustments. Without immediate corrective measures, our national economy will not only continue to weaken, but will ultimately collapse.

Without the restoration of sound economic principles, none of us will have the wherewithal to help anyone with their needs, because we will not be able to deal with our own. We cannot share what we do not have. The same principles of freedom making it possible to be guilty of excess are the same ones enabling success.

Active participation is both a privilege and responsibility to choose wise leaders who will support sound policy and legislation in order for good government to become a reality. Now is the time to fall on our knees before God and then stand on our feet before men. We must demonstrate the power of God’s transforming grace. All legitimate concerns and painful issues must be addressed with prayer, love and compassion.

When we stand tall for His truth, we will see the transformation of people leading to the restoration of sound principles. It is time to pray, then take action with boldness and love as we call all men to return to the rock-solid foundation of God’s truth. Keep in mind, our economic challenges will not be corrected until we address moral decay. We should remember what President Reagan said: ‘If America ceases to be a nation under God, we will be a nation gone under.”


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