Our Master Tailor

See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain” Hebrews 8:5. 

When I was a little girl, we frequently visited my grandparents.  I can remember there was a room off of their garage that was filled with Grandmother’s sewing materials.  There were boxes of patterns, and open patterns which laid out in disjoined pieces on the countertop.  The patterns were made of very thin paper with markings along the edges where pins would be placed to secure that piece to the material.  She would hold a pattern up to my arm and pin it to the material if it was the right size.  This would continue with my chest, my back, and my other arm until she was satisfied with the fit of each individual piece.  I would look at the different fabrics she had and would choose which material I wanted my clothing to be.  We would leave and the next time we returned, I was always amazed at how those individual pieces of pattern turned into my beautiful garment.

We have a master Tailor who sees the finished garment of our lives.  He allows us to choose certain things according to our desires.  He is constantly working on different areas of our lives, pinning this circumstance to this area, and cutting that circumstance in that area.  He has the master pattern of our lives and orchestrates the design that will produce the most beautiful spiritual garment if we will allow Him.  I remember as I would get fidgety, Grandmother would lovingly look me in the eyes and gently encourage me to be still.  She would say that this fitting would not take long, but the stillness was extremely important to get it right.  I think of those words as I consider being in a season where I must be still.  I must allow God to carefully work out the details of the pattern so that He can bring about the end result He has in mind.  Then one day when I least expect it, I’ll look up and the beautiful work will be finished.  He will slip my robe of righteousness around my shoulders as He walks with me on the streets of gold.

Please be encouraged in knowing that we have a Father who has the pattern for each of us.  He fits each piece perfectly together, running His perfect threads throughout our life.  We must stand still in certain seasons and other seasons He tells us to go play while He does the work.  We can be confident that as we are living out our lives, He is putting together our eternity.

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