Our Minds Are Most Powerful

Just in case you were thinking I was perfect… how about this embarrassing tale?

I went to the most awesome baptism class last night with Ella. I LOVE Summit Church. They made the gospel come alive and so bite-size for her last night in their “Why Believe” class. Incredible.

Anyway… as she pranced to the car with her new Jesus Storybook Bible and said,

“You know Sydney reads her Bible every morning.”

I said, “Well that is so awesome. You can too! I do.”

Her face looked like she spied a liar and said, “When?”

I laughed and said, “After you are at school.”

Then she said, “Well I was home in the summer.”

And the car fell silent.

I mean really. Did I just get called out on my quiet times by my 7-year-old?

So, God woke me up at 5 am this morning, wide awake and I took out my Bible. And decided this would be the best place to start this morning to prepare for my blog post and for my prep for tonight’s few words at the bookstore.

Are you a worrier or a thinker like me?

There is Ebola. The end times feel closer than ever. Our kids are facing rough stuff. My friend’s parents are dying, right now. Kids are getting sick. Marriages are crumbling.


I know I appear to be all unicorns and skittles over here, but I am not immune to the sadness and worry of life. I don’t ever want you to think that I don’t get taken down as well. Or, that I would ever diminish your hardships.

This verse gave me such great comfort this morning because honestly, my MIND is a very powerful thing. In the midst of one exciting time in my life, if I am not careful, I can THINK on the wrong things. The one rude comment, the one bad review, the one person who didn’t share it – vs ALL the good, the noble, the pure, the lovely.

ALL that God has done. All of His TRUTH. All of His promises.

I can’t wait to remind Ella of this verse this morning. She has my crazy creative, wondering, thinking brain. She thinks a lot. Which means worry is a friend of hers. Every strength has a corresponding weakness.

We are going to think on these things. We have so much to praise Him for.

So, I don’t know where you are sitting this morning – in times of uncertainty or pain or plenty or fear. But I pray that God will bring to your mind a few things that will carry you through.

PS – I should do this more often. This Bible reading early in the morning is pretty soul filling. Huh?

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