Dolly Parton grew up in a one-room cabin in the woods and says being poor was good for her. Why? She saw her parents struggle and stretch a dollar.
Think about it. When you don't have as much, you develop skills that those with much don’t have the opportunity to learn; things like sewing, cooking, cleaning, and home and auto repairs.
You learn how to manage time when you must hold down several jobs. You trade favors with friends and family rather than just buying what you need.
You learn to make do with what you have. You know how to live without things others consider necessities.
Instead of going to the movies, concerts, ballets and sporting events, you host your own concerts, write your own plays, and compete against yourself or family members. Creativity blossoms when economy demands.
Growing up with less can actually breed perseverance, self-discipline and humility that propel the talented into successful careers.
Famous singer, Celine Dion, a native of Canada, is the youngest of 14 children raised in the happy home of a butcher and homemaker. She was influenced by their common love of music and performed as a child in their piano bar.
Ralph Lifshitz, the son of Jewish immigrants, grew up in the Bronx and was teased so much at school that he had his last name changed to Lauren. Ralph Lauren. At 12, he worked after school to buy clothes and was known for selling hand-made ties to fellow students.
If you think your children are missing out because they don’t have the latest fashion or gadgets like their classmates, think again. You may unintentionally be blessing them in ways you and they don’t even realize.
Like Paul said in Philippians 4:11, may we learn to be content in whatever situation we are in. And, may we be inspired to work as unto the Lord regardless of whether we have riches or not.