
Scripture Reading — Luke 10:1-12

“Do not take a purse or bag or sandals …” Luke 10:4

When we get ready for a trip, we think about what we need to pack. What should we take along? If we’re heading on a mission trip to help people rebuild their homes, we may need to take tools and building supplies. If we want to relax or enjoy the outdoors, we may want to take sun screen, a good novel, a backpack, or maybe some gear for fishing or biking.

When Jesus sent out 72 of his followers, he told them to pack lightly. Their mission was to tell others that he was coming and that “the kingdom of God has come near.”

Christ still calls us to promote and be involved in that mission. Some may do it as missionaries; others may do it as parents, doctors, teachers, farmers, or tradespeople in their daily work. All of us must find our calling as workers in the Lord’s harvest field.

As we journey through life, sometimes we need to take stock of the things we have accumulated. Do we need all these things, or are we packing too much lately? Could we have a garage sale and donate the proceeds to charity? Could I use my car to take a house-bound person for an outing or to the doctor? Could I use my time to help a new immigrant get settled or learn the language?

The Lord has blessed us with many things; let’s find ways to use them to advance his kingdom.


Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have given us. Help us to use them to honor you and bless others. In your Son’s name, Amen.

Written by: Gerrit Bomhof

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