Paint His Name

Almost every park, county fair, or city festival offers face painting. Kids line up to wait for a chance to get a flower or tiger on their cheeks. Some get pretty detailed and ask for a tiger or a butterfly over their whole faces.

For the next few hours—or until it itches or their dads make them wash the paint off—they proudly show off the artist’s work. They want everyone to notice what’s on their faces.

When you get home to heaven, you are going to have some permanent face paint. “The throne of God and the lamb will be in the city. His servants will worship him and see his face. His name will be on their foreheads” (Revelation 22:3,4).

When Jesus left this earth to go back to heaven and prepare our home, he promised to come back for us. As we wait for him to take us to our real home, we get excited for the day there are no more tears, no more fights, no more loneliness. We know that we will see our God face-to-face and worship him. And his name will be on our foreheads—a sign that let’s everyone know we are his.

While we wait for that day, we know Jesus has already called us—even now. Tell others about Jesus so he can paint their faces too.

Chomp on this!

Do you have a question you want to ask God when you get to heaven? Share it with your family.

Heaven is guaranteed because of Jesus, who can you tell about that good news?

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