Painting the Right Picture with Good Communication

One poorly chosen word can change the entire course of a relationship. Words spoken in haste and anger ignite a fire that burns the soul and causes damage that often cannot be repaired. Hurtful words often create false assumptions in the mind of the receiver simply because the person who spoke them failed to apologize or to acknowledge responsibility for what they said.  As a result, the break in the relationship remains as well as the misconceptions. 

They failed to recognize that words are powerful; they really do mean something—either good or bad—to those they love. Ephesians 4:29 says, Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Good communication takes time to unfold, along with attention to detail. The words spoken -- and the non-verbal behavior -- are significant to the receiver. In fact, the non-verbal statements are often louder than the spoken word.

Good communication requires more effort than many people are willing to give. It takes work to be a good communicator. Mental exertion is required for:

  • eye contact
  • listening
  • reflecting
  • blocking out other thoughts

Let’s continue with the idea of words painting a picture in the mind of the receiver. Your words can create pictures of beauty, affirmation, love, affection and understanding. Words that lack meaning or consideration for others still draw a picture, but it is often lifeless, colorless, dark and dull. Words filled with anger can produce a picture that glares with the fire of resentment and pain that is difficult to erase.

So, what picture will you paint on the hearts of those you come into contact with today? Choose your communication wisely. Make a commitment to do the work and apply yourself in an effort to build better relationships with others.


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