Need to put a new twist on how to bring stress under control? Sometimes relaxing a bit and seeing life in a fresh light lifts the load. Try these. You might feel a sense of relief.
- Be intentional with tension you can’t control. Do something just for fun and laugh for a bit. For example, purposefully drive in the slow lane and watch everyone passing by in a hurry. You’ll love waving at everyone.
- Be kind to yourself. Throw away the bat. Quit beating yourself up over things you can’t redo, re-choose or relive. Hard-core baseball is not the best sport for girls.
- Be smart. Don’t be thin in the wrong places. Quit skimping on “me” time. At least once a week, do something for just you.
- Be wise with your words. Consider – “No.” Don’t give in to your child’s every whim. Saying no teaches them restraint. You can be their friend after they marry.
- Be quick on your feet. Quit running. Face your fears. When you keep your strain on the inside, it surfaces in the most destructive ways.
- Be open to support. The Bible says, “Where there is no guidance, the people fall. But in the abundance of counselors, there is victory.” Proverbs 11:14
- Be mindful. Don’t borrow other people’s stress. You have enough of your own.
- Be more relaxed. You can only do what you can do. Some things will remain undone. That’s ok.
- Be positive. What are you passing on to your kids? Yipes! They’ll grow up like you.
- Be insightful. Why worry all night? Give it to God. He’ll be up all night anyway.
Sometimes it’s the small things that shrink the stress factor; don’t you think?