
1 Samuel 15:24-35

We can choose our sin, but we can’t choose our consequences.

King Saul made two monumental mistakes: offering an unlawful sacrifice and not fulfilling his mission to wipe out the Amalekites and all their possessions (1 Samuel 13.8-14; 15.1-9).

Surely Saul did not anticipate his consequences being so harsh. God rejected Saul as king and ripped the kingdom from his hands (1 Samuel 15.6-28). Not only did Saul lose the kingdom, but he also learned if he had obeyed, God would have established his kingdom over Israel forever—a reality Saul forfeited by his rebellious activity (1 Samuel 13.13-14).

Our habits and patterns eventually reap either rich blessing or devastating consequences, outcomes over which we have no control—that task is God’s alone. Patterns of arrogance and self-reliance can utterly ruin us, whereas humility and selflessness spanning a lifetime can reap the richest blessings.

We may think we’re getting away with a deviant habit today, but we’re actually building a case against our own character and ensuring heavy consequences.

As you welcome God into your day, complete this exercise: jot down on a piece of paper the top three or four qualities you hope to be remembered for;  such as faithful, joyful, patient, loving, or generous.

Then consider what daily habits or actions would build a case for the embodiment of those attributes. Be specific and think small! It’s often the unnoticed, everyday actions that build a character modeled after Jesus.

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