Peace of God

Philippians 4:4-7

The Apostle Paul writes the book of Philippians from prison. He comforts his concerned friends and teaches them how they can experience the peace of God even in the midst of their adversity. And if anyone knows adversity, it’s Paul. Similarly, all of us have matters that deeply concern us and keep us awake at night. Work, financial pressures, an estranged family member, or starting a new school can cause us to experience anxiety.

What can we learn about the superpower of Peace? This peace comes as we learn to walk in step with the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul puts it this way, “present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4.6b-7).

When we present our requests to God, we affirm his control and we trust he will handle the situation according to his plan. You see, peace comes as a result of trust. When we trust God with our anxiety, the Holy Spirit imbues us with a peace that causes the onlooking world to simply scratch their heads in unbelief.

As you welcome God into your day, take time to answer this question: How have you experienced God’s peace in the midst of life’s storms? Be sure to discuss this question as a small group or with a close friend. Sharing stories of trusting God is a powerful way to spur each other on to living resolutely in the Spirit.

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