Peace of Mind

I still had no peace of mind, because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I said good-by to them and went on to Macedonia. 2 Corinthians 2:13 NIV

Are you trying to make a decision in your life? You have searched the heart of God, through the Bible and through prayer. You have sought the counsel of God’s people--wisdom that you trust. You have looked over the various possibilities, and now that you are free to make a decision, you can’t seem to have a “peace” about it. Don’t overlook those “feelings” in discerning God’s will for your life. Paul, as you can read in today’s verse, referred to “peace of mind”. I believe God’s Word teaches that He will grant His people peace.

So, how can you use this “peace of mind”? Well, first of all, it shouldn’t be used as a means to say no to the will of God for your life. God’s will often calls us to places outside of our comfort zone. If God calls you to something, you may not “want” to do it, but I believe you will have a peace that you are supposed to do it anyway.

Then, you need first to make sure what you are doing is in line with God’s Word, so that you want be sinning against Him. If you say God wants you to be happy, so you are going to cheat on your wife, I would have to say that you are terribly wrong. God will not bless that, because it is contrary to His written Word. Besides, God is far more concerned that you are holy than that you are happy.

Second, you need to counsel of the Holy Spirit through prayer and of other Christians. God has equipped the body to help one another. Someone else, who you trust, may have better insight into the decision than you have. You need to trust that God does use the prayer and others to speak to us. And, you need to obey when you know for sure God is leading you in a certain way.

Third, the decision should line up with God’s general direction in your life. In other words, God has been building and equipping you all your life for service for Him. Does this seem to fit with how God could and would use you for His glory?

Finally, if you have sought the Lord fully, and still can't seem to make a decision, what seems to give you “peace of mind”? What is it that sounds most reasonable to you? You can’t use this as the first criteria for discerning God’s will, but after you have exhausted every other way seeking to hear from the Lord, peace of mind can often be a way God encourages you to make a decision. Often I will hear my wife say, “I have a real peace about it” or “I just don’t have any peace about it,” and I know that is the final word I need to hear from God.

Are you trying to make some choices in life? Apply some of the principles above: read God’s Word, pray, talk to Godly Christians, see if it lines up with what God has been doing in your life, then, see what gives you “peace of mind”. Perhaps, as we seek Him more, He will reveal more to us and we will bring Him more glory! This should be our prayer.

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