Peaceable Living

During those early years as the mother of four, I found that just managing the daily parenting and basic household routines required discipline and strength that went beyond my natural abilities. I was not smart enough or emotionally fit enough to do all that I wanted in a 24-hour day.

Caring for and nurturing my toddlers, cleaning food and drink spills, kissing boo boo’s, and calling “time outs” absolutely drained me. At the same time, I also desired to be a responsive, godly wife to my dear husband on his arrival home from work. I dreaded the latter part of most days, however, because I was simply weary. As a follower of Christ, I knew what John 10:10 says, “‘I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly.’” Yet I was not experiencing this abundant life on a regular basis. It was weariness that drove me to seek the Lord for answers as to how to enjoy life fully and not just endure it.

It was during my Bible readings that God showed me a pathway to the abundant living as a follower of Christ. Let me suggest that it is through the peace of God.

First, let the peace of God guard your mind. A very familiar passage, Philippians 4:7 says, “And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ.” His peace sets a garrison, a guard, around your heart and mind to inhabit your thoughts and renew the mind. When my weary mind wanders, it spirals into “woe is me.” Motherhood does not make it impossible to enjoy life. Knowing and trusting God makes the difference.

Secondly, let the peace of God guard your heart. Colossians 3:15 says, “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.” When we allow our hearts to be at complete rest in Him and allow Him to call the shots, then we are at the place where peace can settle. I found that my shower times were a place of rest. I don’t have to be overwhelmed with life. Christ rules!

Lastly, let the peace of God guide your path. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” God is quite aware of the demands of a woman, a mother. He is not asleep at the switch or uncaring about your life. He loves and cares enough to desire that we follow His path in life. It is my decision to say, God, You created me. You know me. I surrender to Your will. Please do Your work!

I wish I could say that the peace of God is a regular experience for me. However, just having His pathway to this peace challenges me to make it a goal.

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