Peters Testimony

We ourselves heard this voice that came from Heaven when we were with Him on the sacred mountain. (2 Peter 1:18 NIV)

I love a good testimony. It gives me encouragement when I hear of God's goodness to others. The real proof, however, is when the testimony I hear is about me.

Peter is not sharing another person's story of hearing God praise Jesus on the mountain. He heard it himself. He saw the radiance of the glory of God. No one had to tell him about it. God was real to him, because he witnessed Him personally!

Can I be real personal with you? I'm not a prophet. I am not a great theologian. I am not even a great writer or teacher. People consistently correct my punctuation or grammar. (I ain't sure why!) What I do have is a testimony! I can't share with you what God has done for others, as much as I can share with you what God has done for me!

I was lost, without hope, and then Jesus came into my life. I remember a revival service, 27 years ago. When the preacher gave the invitation I got up from my pew and headed down the aisle. Although I was only a few rows from the front, it seemed like a mile. I grabbed a hold of a pastor and said "I want to be saved." Since that day I have had many struggles, but God has delivered me from each one. I have found that He is a "friend who sticks closer than a brother". I can't imagine my life without Him in it! I am looking forward to an eternity in Heaven with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I may not have all the answers to your questions, but I have a testimony, and that's good enough for me!

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