Pharaohs Who Launch Us

I’ve had the privilege of meeting several high profile Christian authors and speakers, and I whenever I do I always ask the same question. “How did you launch your ministry?” I want to know, because I want a formula for success.

Each time I’ve asked the question I gotten a similar answer, “I finally quit trying to make it happen.” When I’ve pressed them to elaborate each has told a story of working hard trying to get noticed only to wind up frustrated. The key to their success was not in their ability to make it happen, but rather in their determination to serve God with their gifts where He had them. Eventually someone noticed them.

Joseph knew what it was like to serve faithfully for many years without being noticed. As a former slave, then prisoner, he faithfully served those around him with little recognition.

He was desperate to see his dreams come true and unable to make them happen on his own.

We’ve heard it said it’s not what you know, it’s who you know. In Joseph’s case it wasn’t who he knew, but who knew him. When Joseph’s former cell mate heard that Pharaoh had questions concerning a dream he knew just who to call. That day Pharaoh launched Joseph into his dream. Instantly he went from prisoner to second in command of all Egypt.

So, how do we get a Pharaoh to notice us? Here are 4 steps to Joseph’s formula for success:

  1. Realize it has nothing to do with you. As a slave, then prisoner, Joseph had no other choice. He couldn’t make it happen. Despite our freedom, we really can’t either.
  2. Consider the options where you are today. Instead of focusing on your future hopes and dreams and being frustrated because they haven’t happened, focus on what you can do today. If you aren’t serving faithfully where God has you today, who’s going to notice you?
  3. Give your dream back to God. He gave it to you, now give it back to Him and allow Him to work it out. It’s so much easier that way!
  4. Trust God’s timing. When the time is right God will orchestrate our meeting with Pharaoh.

While I haven’t arrived at my dream of being a published author and national speaker, I have seen some major progress. In each step toward my dream I’ve had to follow Joseph’s example before God has sent a “Pharaoh” with a need that I was created to fill.

As you wait on your dreams I encourage you to ask yourself these questions: What need were you created to fill? Who is watching you? Will they have something to say about you when God sends a Pharaoh with a need that you were created to fill?

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