Plans in Writing


Holy One, sometimes my life can be difficult. I thank You that in my weakness You are my strength. You lift me up. I bless Your name.


1 Chronicles 28:1-21


Consider: Bringing others in on our plans can give them a sense of ownership and lead to a cooperative spirit.

Think Further:

Much of the information about David’s reign in 1 Chronicles is duplicated in Samuel and Kings. However, most of the stories relating to the planning and resourcing for the Temple are found only here. They provide insights into David’s inner life and motivation, confirming what we glean about him from his many psalms. The accounts of his spiritual passion for the Temple and his incredible care with its detail would have been inspirational to the Chronicler’s contemporaries rebuilding the Temple after the Exile--and provide a pattern for us as we go about the work God calls us to in our day.

David was about to go public with his dreams and plans. As king, it would have been his prerogative to decree what he wanted to happen and expect it to be done, but, instead, he called together all his chosen leaders (1 Chron. 27)--tribal, public service, royal household and military--and gently revealed his passion and intent. These were his fellow Israelites, representatives of his people, and they needed to understand what he had in mind and why, so they could participate fully in the implementation phase of his most significant legacy project. What a wise and gracious model for any leader, especially those responsible for overseeing God’s people and purposes.

The opening themes of David’s speech retrace earlier ones, but then comes the surprise--Solomon was handed a complete set of written plans for the Temple building and its furnishings, ascribed to the guiding hand of the Lord. Craftspeople and religious leaders were allocated to various tasks, and skilled volunteers were invited to join in. All that was left was for Solomon to courageously keep his focus on God and get the task done. What a great gift from father to son!


Consider a personal, church or community project you dream of undertaking. Prayerfully reflect on its purpose, motivation and possible shape, and jot down details the Spirit brings to mind.


Sovereign Lord, You are the Great God of the Universe, and yet You are a God concerned about seemingly minor details. Help me to see Your big picture for me, but empower me to be faithful.

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