Power in the Name


In the context of your present circumstances, God’s name is a present-tense name. Not I WAS. Not I WILL BE. His name is always I AM. Do you see that by telling you that His name is I AM the center of gravity for the whole relationship changes? Everything tips in His direction. The burdens, the expectations, the pressure to perform, the disappointments all roll off your shoulders and land at His feet. Everything changes for you when you have encountered your I AM.


When you speak the Name, you are speaking the most precious, costly word in all creation. You are speaking the word that thrills heaven and demoralizes hell. When the name of Jesus crosses your lips, all the power of God is set in motion on your behalf. It is the only word you need to know. It says all there is to be said.


The very Word of the Lord through whom creation came, now came to redeem His creation. He came to restore what sin had destroyed. Every miracle He performs is a miracle of restoration. Every word He utters is a word of restoration. He spoke everything into being at the beginning and only He can restore that which He created.

This content taken from the book Power in the Name of Jesus by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.

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