Can you see the heart hidden in the rock? The waves beat against it and wind blows through it, but the heart remains strong. It is a yielded heart.
I was thinking about that this morning.
How do we stay strong today and every day?
How much capacity do I have to love the Lord?
Is Self exposed to His love in a way she finds her proper place?
So I prayed: "May the whole consciousness of my hidden Self bow down to the awesomeness of His presence and the limitlessness of His love. Darkness must flee and Light must be victorious for You, O Lord, are as faithful as the ocean waves."
Truth revealed.
Forgiveness established.
Mercies new every morning.
This is single-minded prayer.
Here Self yields to the mastery of His love and the cleansing power of that boundless love. Ego dies - self goes to the cross. God's love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. We ARE new creatures risen from the dead - alive in Christ and dead to the world.
This kind of love is not blind.
It is full of insight and wisdom.
We know what to do.
We know where to go.
His love goes before us to prepare the way.
Be still. The battle is the Lord's.
The truth is the waves will beat against us
The truth is the winds will try to blow us down.
The truth is we are rooted and established in Christ Jesus.
Here is the key to our daily prayer life - this yieldedness with open hands.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
He knows which way to lead us and leads us in life more abundantly.
He reveals the Truth in His Word.
He leads the Way in His Love.
He breathes new Life in the soul.
Come, oh People of the Yielded Heart and drink deep at the fountain of God's grace.
Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness and Longsuffering dwell there.
This is the place the Fruit of the Spirit grows.
You are the pasture - soil yielded to the Farmer.
You are the vessel - filled to overflowing.
You are His treasure - shining in the fullness of His love.
"Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul;
Love is the only angel that can bid the gates unroll:
And when He comes to call thee, arise and follow fast,
The way may lie through darkness, but leads to light at last." Keswick, 1952
And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless having produced the righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Phil 1:3-11