Praise God: Part 2

Are you ready for some good news?

Praising and worshipping God is as simple as a toddler enjoying a day at the beach with her father.

I pray you’ve been inspired by the Psalms. Today I will take a look at the nature of praise from Psalm 111:

Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them.” (Psalm 111:1–2, ESV)

When our daughter Abby was still small enough to rock to sleep, I was putting her to bed one night after a delightful vacation day at the beach.

Abby,” I began whispering. “Today was so fun. Oh how I loved digging the hole on the beach and taking you in my arms out to the ‘big waves.’ It was so fun looking for pretty shells and building the sand castle.”

As I continued reveling in the day, Abby suddenly blurted out: “Daddy, you’re great!”

That’s praise.

Then, as was my custom every night, I sang her my homespun lullaby:

            There will never be a time, when you will lose this love of mine,

            It will always be.

            There will never be a day, when my love will go away;

            It will always be.

            There will never be an hour when my love will lose its power,

            It will always be.

            Your father’s love will always be holding you.

Her little eyes were growing sleepy but fixed on my face. With one hand on her favored “blankie”, she quietly reached up with the other hand and gently stroked my face.

That’s worship.

Praise and worship aren’t techniques or programs for the duty-bound; they are the genuine reactions of a heart that has experienced God. Turn your gaze toward your Father. Think about what He’s done for you. Hear Him sing to you. The more you discover the goodness of God, the more you’ll praise and worship Him. And that’s the Gospel!


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