Pray for People Affected by Conflict in Syria

Conflict within Syria has displaced more than 4.25 million people within the country and caused more than 2 million refugees to seek safety in Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, and Egypt. Thousands cross the border every day; more than half of the refugees are children.

The Syrian people are suffering from widespread conflict. More than 100,000 lives have been lost since the conflict began more than two years ago, and many have been injured. Homes and businesses are being destroyed in the violence.

Lord, Psalm 46:9 declares that You, “Make wars cease to the ends of the earth.” Help those in conflict with one another to come to a peaceful solution, so that civilians may resume their daily lives. Lord, we trust in You.

Syrian families are being uprooted from their homes by the fighting, displaced in their own country, or fleeing to neighboring countries for safety.

Lord, come to the aid of families who are fleeing to safety. Protect them from dangers on their travels and guide them to places where they can find help and rest. Provide host communities with the resources to assist families arriving on their doorstep. Lord, we trust in You.  

Many Syrian school-aged children are not able to attend classes because they’ve left their communities or because their schools are damaged or occupied by displaced families. Child refugees find it difficult to enroll and participate in classes that are not in their native language. 

Lord, You know that children whose educations are disrupted often have a hard time catching up. This threatens their future prospects to have a career and care for a family. We ask You to help children who are missing classes today. Help them to resume their studies with ease. And give teachers the training to help these students regain what they may have lost. Lord, we trust in You.

There are many ancient Christian communities in this region going back to New Testament times. Saul was helped by Christians in Damascus after his encounter with the ascended Christ (Acts 9). These communities today have requested prayer that they may stay strong in faith.

Lord, we lift to You our brothers and sisters in Christ living in this region. Strengthen them with power through the Spirit (Ephesians 3:16). And help them to endure and remain faithful, knowing that nothing can separate them from Your love. Lord, we trust in You.

World Vision staff in Lebanon has requested prayer as they assist those fleeing the conflict and other poor communities. Staff working to set up response operations in Jordan seek God’s vision. All humanitarian personnel need the strength and resources to sustain them in their work.

Lord, thank You for those who are already working with poor communities in this region. Many people had few resources before the conflict began and have even less now. Strengthen humanitarian staff, both World Vision and others, as they assist children and families in need. Bring in the financial resources and physical supplies necessary to help children and restore people’s hope for a brighter future. Lord, we trust in You.

Written by Denise Koenig


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