Marriage is the beautiful union of two wonderfully made, yet imperfect people. Grace is the glue that holds it all together. Spouses see each other at their best and at their worst. Sometimes, it’s easy to view your spouse in light of his or her weaknesses and forget that the power of Christ rests upon him or her. Grace is allowing your spouse to move beyond their mistakes. In a marital relationship, grace allows them to grow and become who God intends them to be without the chains of guilt and regret. In terms of their walk with the Lord, grace is the gift that takes the place of the shame that the past may hold for them.
Today, ask God to change the way you view your spouse. Pray that you would see them, not in light of who they have been, but in light of who they could become. Then, pray that he or she would, not just feel the power of Christ, but that it would be stronger than the memory of their weaknesses or past mistakes. Ask God to make your spouse overwhelmingly aware of his grace and Christ’s power as they go about their day.
Written by Stacy Edwards