Praying for Your Spouse: Passion

“So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth”—Revelation 3:16.

Passion shouts in the darkness for light. She grieves so others may live. She travels long distances at great cost to rescue one. Passion consumes our souls when we develop a strong and barely controllable awareness of Christ’s sacrifice for our gain. We can pray with passion for passion for our spouse.

Living God, my soul thirsts for you in a dry and weary land, out of You springs forth fountains of living water. Quench my thirst with your refreshment. Hear me on behalf of my (husband/wife) my precious gift from You whom I honor and respect. Come to (him/her) with Your Word and Spirit so that (he/she) might enjoy Your presence and receive counsel. 

 Cause (him/her) to be a (man/woman) who is humble and who mourns (his/her) sin. I ask Father that you abolish from (him/her) self-conceit and delusion. Open (his/her) heart to receive Your righteousness. Restore (his/her) sight to marvel at Your majesty. Show (him/her) what true riches are and how (he/she) might gain them. Clothe (him/her) in garments of holiness. Set (him/her) apart for Your good service. Turn (him/her) away from anything that is not of You or for Your glory. Give (him/her) a fresh supply of Your grace. Comfort (him/her) with Your faithfulness; still (him/her) with your love.

 You alone God have the power to ignite a passion for You, Amen.

Written by Edy Sutherland 


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