Praying for Your Spouse: Patience

 “We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised”—Hebrews 6:12.

As years pass by, it seems to become easier and easier for married couples to fall into a “relationship rut.” We may get used to certain habits and routines and before we know it, we’ve developed a semi-fixed mindset about who our spouse is and what they are capable of. What’s worse, we may even use this mindset to judge our spouse or fail to notice and appreciate their better qualities.

Don’t settle for a “lazy heart” towards your spouse. Ask God today for the kind of patience in loving your spouse that He continually shows for you, even in your weakest moments.

Dear Lord,

Please help me to see my spouse through your eyes. Please give me a heart of patience toward them, and don’t let me become lazy and complacent in my relationship with this precious soul you have placed in my life. Through your strength, help me to show patience for even the sharp edges of their personality, Amen.

Written by Michelle Hutchison

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