Prepare the Way

People who came to hear John the Baptist preach heard the straight truth. John didn’t pull any punches, or dress up his message to please his audience. He was simply a herald, sent to prepare the way. He said, “Make ready for the way of the Lord, and make His path straight. Every ravine shall be filled up, every mountain and hill shall be brought low, and the crooked shall become straight, and the rough roads smooth...and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” In other words, someone awesome is coming!

Years ago I was visiting Williamsburg, Virginia, and was impressed with its careful preservation and restoration. Every detail was considered. But even at Williamsburg, I was surprised to see ground crews meticulously combing the gravel paths that cross the historic settlement, smoothing them and removing any rough stones. When I asked a worker what was going on, he said, “Next week the emperor of Japan is visiting, and this is the route he will travel. We’re just making sure all the pathways are smooth and straight for the emperor.”

There is only one thing we must do to prepare the way for our King, the awesome Son of God: we must repent of our sin. It is repentance that prepares the way for us to receive His fullness, grace upon grace.


For of his fullness we have received, and grace upon grace (John 1:16).


Genesis 4-5; John 4

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