Preparing for a Wave of Generosity

We live in an unprecedented era, a time never before seen in the history of the world, as women are entrusted with growing influence. Three formidable trends contribute to this expanding capacity:

 #1 Rapid rise in wealth owned by women in America and globally. Women own over half of all personal wealth in United States received either through inheritance or earned income. With advances in education, employment and inheritance, it is expected that two-thirds of privately held assets will be in the hands of American women by 2030. Globally, women’s wealth is on the rise.  Women own almost one third of the world’s wealth.

It is thrilling to think that women alone could fund the Great Commission in 5 years with only 0.8% of their income.

 #2 As more women are earning advanced degrees and working outside the home, women’s contributions to total household income is growing. In the U.S., approximately 30% of Physicians, 45% of Attorneys, 54% of CPAs are women. Approximately 70% of American women work outside the home. In dual income couples, women contributed almost half of the family income earning over one trillion dollars.

 #3 Women are seeking out entrepreneurship as a way to live their calling and leverage their talent. Almost half of American private businesses are owned/co-owned by women, that’s 1 out of 11 working-age women. The same trend applies globally, and in some countries 20% or more working-age women are involved in entrepreneurial ventures.

Women have a natural propensity to nurture and give. Consider God’s wondrous design He created woman in His image with a bent to nurture and care for others, to encourage, to give their time, knowledge and abilities to help others.  In a global survey several years ago, women were asked what is most important to them. The common and universal response was “help make someone’s life better or help make the world a better place.”

In the first and largest research study on Christian women and giving, Directions in Women’s Giving 2012 shows that Christian women are quite generous with their time and their treasure. Of the over 7,300 Christian women surveyed, the average gave 7.5% to 10% of their income to charity each year and volunteered 3 times more than that of the average American. What compels them to give? The number one reason cited by survey responders is to be obedient to God’s word. They desire to be not only hearers of the word, but doers. For these women, growing in faith equals growing in generosity.

Based upon God’s word, we believe God owns it all and it is at His discretion to strengthen.

Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone. I Chronicles 29:12 (NASB)

So, what could be the potential shifting role of women in the global commission?

Could it be that God is increasing resources and strengthening women so that through their hearts and through their hands, the world might experience a wave of generosity to His glory?

 I’m reminded that the first message carrier to receive and share the good news, “He is not here. He is risen!” was a woman. It’s exhilarating to think that the good news of Christ could actually reach around the world during our lifetime and that women could be great commission messengers for such a time as this!

Ready to take up the challenge?

1.  As women, are we ready to be the best stewards we can be? In the survey, the women who excelled in giving were those who knew their calling, had a handle on their finances and were giving in alignment with both.

2.  As men, are we encouraging the women in our lives to be great commission messengers with us?

3.  As organizations, are we following Jesus’ example and engaging women as messengers and funders? Do we live like we believe they too have a role in great commission activities?

Written by Pam Pugh

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