The body is a temple. You’ve likely heard that before, whether in the pages of Scripture (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:15) or in ads for fitness and nutrition. The truth applies not only to our individual lives but also (and especially) to the corporate body of Christ, the fellowship of believers. Either way, the Spirit inhabits his people. And that’s a thrilling, sobering reality.
Think about what that means. Not only do you need to take care of your body, you also need to make sure your heart and mind are sacred spaces. Do you really want to mix God in with some of the clutter that goes on inside? No, you were designed for the free flow of his Spirit in every corner of your being. He didn’t come to visit; he came to dwell. You are meant to be a living, breathing, walking encounter with him.
That’s what the advent of the Spirit suggests. We no longer visit God at a worship service; we carry the entire service with us everywhere we go. It’s an exhilarating, pleasant inescapability. We can’t get away from him, and we really wouldn’t want to.
Prepare your mind and heart for the habitation of God. Cleanse the clutter more thoroughly than you would for any other visitor. Show extreme hospitality to the Spirit who inhabits. Be the temple he designed you to be. And enjoy the presence that warms, thrills, and changes everything.