Pride Is Not a Godlike Quality

"...pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud." - Proverbs 16:18-1

Arrogance is the opposite of humility, and is often displayed in a conceited fashion, which is an unattractive quality. When someone has an overly inflated opinion of himself or herself, they often act in an overbearing way that is called arrogance.

Did you know that for every 100 successful people, there is maybe one who can deal with great success and keep his/her head on straight? The temptation to give in to prideful arrogance is huge. So how can people blessed with success not be overcome with pride?

  1. Remember all good things come from God: talents, abilities, and opportunities.
  2. There’s really no such thing as a self-made man. Every successful person had some help along the way.
  3. The people with the biggest problem with pride don’t feel they have a problem.
  4. We are most like the Devil when we are filled with arrogant pride. We are most like Jesus when we are fulfilling God’s will for God’s glory.

If you are struggling with arrogant pride, seek God’s forgiveness. And if you’ve got any guts, ask Him to teach you humility. It may not be an easy lesson, but you’ll be a better person for it. And the world around you will, too.

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