Prioritizing the Chair

Mark 1:35-38

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God. Where can I go and meet with God? Psalm 42.1-2

As Jesus’ popularity was skyrocketing, word spread of his miraculous healings and authority over demons. At the height of his fame, Jesus could’ve persisted with gusto: getting up early to heal as many people as possible or staying up late to demonstrate his power to many more.

Instead, he stops everything to be alone. Jesus models solitude and displays its value above both the expanse of human effort and the results from human achievement.

Jesus left the house and went to a solitary place “very early in the morning, while it was still dark” (Mark 1.35). He may have been tempted to continue sleeping, but he didn’t. He deliberately pushed other things aside to make time for connecting with his Father in heaven and to receiving wisdom, guidance, and power from the Holy Spirit for his next ministry decision. 

If Jesus needed to escape the world of effort and achievement to find a place to be alone, how much more do you need times of solitude? Whether you realize it or not, your soul longs to meet with God. Your soul thirsts for something only God can quench, and prioritizing The Chair, your private meeting place with God, is one place you can receive a refreshing drink from him, even when solitude is difficult to come by.

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