Problem Child?

You know God loves you—or at least you’ve heard about his love and probably believed it at an intellectual level. But that doesn’t mean it has sunk into your heart. For many of us, that’s where the battle is. We know God loves us, but we aren’t quite sure he actually likes us. We assume he loves us because that’s who he is; love is his job description. But we also know our track record with him. We each wonder at times if we’re his problem child.

If you’ve ever felt like that—that you’re the problem child, the one God loves because he has to but not because he particularly enjoys you—you aren’t alone. It’s a very common experience; an evil agenda to undermine God’s love conspires with our awareness of our own shortcomings to convince us we’re different. Nevertheless, his love for you is thorough, intense, and delightful to him.

It’s easy to assume God loves us by default because he is obligated to do so, or that he loves us generally because he loves everyone. But God really does have profound affection for each of his children. Those who have expressed faith in him are near to his heart. Believe that, enjoy it, and realize there’s nothing you can do to earn his love or default on it. Rest today in the love that knows no end.

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