Proud Grandparents

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children (Proverbs 17:6).

Grandchildren are a spectacular crown of God’s grace to be worn proudly and graciously by grandparents. They are a crown of joy and delight to the soul. They are a crown of purity to the heart. They are a crown of truth to the mind. They are a crown of energy to the body. They are a crown of worship to the spirit. They are a crown dedicated to Christ that is daily placed at the feet of Jesus. The crown of grandchildren sparkles in the moist eye of a grateful grandparent. 

Grandparents who are privileged to be in the lives of their grandchildren have an opportunity for influence. We sit on the floor with our grandchildren and develop little ones who want to sit on their grandparent’s lap. When we live and play on their level they feel safe. They sense we understand and care. It is an intimate invitation for them to venture into our secure space. A two foot tall perspective cannot be seen and understood by a five footer. It is only when we humble ourselves and get on the ground with them that we see their world. They need to see us kneel. 

May the Lord bless you... May you live to see your children’s children (Psalms 128:5-6).

We lower relational barriers when we invest time, love and money in the children of our children. Their little hearts open wide when they feel total love and acceptance. Thus, we love a grandchild well by learning what they like and offering them opportunities to experience their interests. Perhaps it’s a swing at the playground or a swim in the pool. Or maybe a small toy car for a boy or a doll for a girl. Grandchildren gravitate to grandparents who get to know them.

Lastly, honor your child in the presence of their child. Be careful not to ignore or dismiss the parental guidelines defined by your grandchild’s mom and dad. Use your influence as a grandparent to build up and brag on your grand baby’s mother and father. Your child will want you to be with their child when they see you support and respect their expectations. Parents are meant to be the pride of their children, so facilitate this feeling. Proud grandparents help out.

They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green (Psalm 92:14).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, give me humility to be a proud grandparent who loves well my adult child and grandchild.

Related Readings: Genesis 48:11; Job 42:16; Psalm 103:17; Isaiah 46:4; 2 Timothy 1:5

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