Proud, Secretive or Humble?

At the beginning of each new Radical Mentoring group, the mentor is challenged spend time 1-on-1 with each of his guys. I’ve always loved going to a guy’s office and picking him up for lunch. What will his office be like? How will I be greeted? Will I be proudly introduced around the office? Or slipped in and out the back door? I figured out the way I’m introduced connects with a guy’s faith walk. Three responses I’ve observed . . .

  1. Proud –Although it hasn’t happened often, some guys have been really proud to introduce their ‘Christian mentor’ around the office. There are a lot of ‘church words’ . . . often Scriptures on his office or cubicle wall. The kind of guy who doesn’t just invite people to church . . . it has to be his As the mentoring year progressed, some of these guys turned out to be ‘religious’ and somewhat self-righteous. Others have proven to be ‘all show,’ not having an authentic relationship with Jesus at all.
  2. Secretive –A lot of guys are pretty nondescript about my visit. No introductions around the office, no references to faith nor my role in their life as a mentor. These guys have proven to be quiet about their faith. Some have been authentic Jesus-followers, seeing their faith as something both personal and private. Others have not yet connected with Jesus in such a way that they’re ‘all-in’ . . . ready to be identified as a Christian, church member or serious Jesus-follower.
  3. Humble –When a guy takes you through his office and introduces you simply as his mentor, you have this sense that you’re not ‘new news’ to the people he works with. Nor is his faith. You’ll hear him saying things like, “This is the guy who leads the group I was telling you about.” He’s not pushing his faith in the faces of the people he works with but he’s not ashamed either. Growing in his faith is important to him. He knows he’s a ‘work in progress’ but he also knows who he is in Christ.

Which of these 3 ‘stereotypes’ fits you? When you go to work tomorrow, will you be talkative about your church and your faith? Will you be seeking affirmation for being a ‘good Christian’? Or will you be the ‘secret agent’ Christian who’ll never say a word about his faith? Or will you be the humble but solid Jesus-follower . . . the guy who ‘lives it out’ . . . the guy who preaches a sermon every day with his actions and when he has to, uses words.

Isn’t that the kind of Christian Jesus wants us to be?

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