Psalm 116, Part 1

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. Psalm 116:1-2 NIV

When I read the 116th Psalm I hear a writer’s heart that I can relate to. It almost seems, especially in verse one, that the Psalmist had tried other resources towards comfort. He says he loves the Lord because the Lord listens. Had he tried other things that hadn't worked?

I haven’t known many people who, when they tried the Lord--I mean, really gave Him a chance--found out that He wasn’t worth the effort. In fact, I know countless testimonies of people who were at the “end of their ropes” when Jesus came into their lives. He changed them for the good, and their lives have never been the same since. But, the best testimony about Jesus is the one that changed me!

Are you searching for something? Maybe you know the Lord but have never really trusted Him with everything you have? Maybe you need a fresh touch from God, a chance to start over in your relationship with Him? Maybe you have never really experienced God’s love before. You’ve heard a lot about Him, and about His ways, but you have never had a personal experience with the Living God. Could today be the day God ordained for you to move deeper in your walk with Christ?

He is a God who will hear and respond to your cries for mercy. Will you give Him a try?

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