Humans are wired to fight for position. I think the reason why so many of us are drawn to certain things is because we internally want other people to notice us in the same way that we notice others. I naturally notice successful people and winning teams. My attention is drawn to loud noises, shiny cars, big trucks…pretty much anything that stands out in its position. If it’s prominent, guys tend to notice it.
As a Christian, you have to decide how you will fight for your personal and sexual purity. There are essentially two options: fight for purity with your performance. Or you can fight for purity from your position. Let me explain…
We are drawn to things that perform well. When a college football team begins slaughtering their opponents and wins a national championship, lots of “new fans” come out of the woodwork, wearing the jerseys and the hats of the team that has the momentum. The better the team performs, the more fans they gain. The better their performance, the higher their prominence.
We often apply the same thinking to our own fight for purity. We tell ourselves that if we could just try harder and perform better, we would gain more victory in the areas where we struggle. Typically, the harder we try to be perfect, the more discouraged we become when we fail or mess up.
A better approach is to fight for purity from your position. Instead of attempting to become pure by trying harder, you acknowledge that you are already pure in Christ because of His sacrifice on the cross for you. Your position is already secure. You are pure, holy, forgiven, and redeemed by His grace.
You are not fighting FOR a position of purity. You are fighting FROM a position of purity. Jesus doesn’t give us prominence based on our performance. Rather He gives us a new position based on His perfection.
This simple truth can liberate you from the pressure of always trying to be perfect. You know that it’s impossible to be perfect, so see yourself from a new position; Jesus was perfect for you and He offers you His perfection as a gift. This actually leads to greater purity overall.
I was adopted when I was just a few weeks old. My birth mother was 15 when she gave birth to me, and she gave me to a family who could love and care for me. I always knew I was adopted, and my parents were clear that when I joined their family I had all the rights and privileges as a member of that family. I gained a position in that family not based on my own actions, but based on their decision. My position was secured by their decision.
Your position as a child of God was secured by His decision to die in your place and give you His salvation. Now, all your actions flow from that position of perfection. You are perfect in Christ because you are already pure, forgiven, and clean.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10