Jesus said that faith the size of a mustard seed was enough to move mountains (Matthew 17:20). So why is our admittedly small faith often not enough to see the mountains move? Perhaps we’ve been focused on the wrong thing. Though the size of our faith isn’t a problem, its purity might be. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). But as with a nuclear reaction, the purity of the substance matters. It just takes a little, but only when it isn’t corrupted with contaminants.
That changes things. Instead of trying to muster up a lot of faith, we need to purge the bit of fear, anxiety, and hopelessness we have. Instead of a fruitless search for big belief, we can embark on a quest for enriched belief. We already have enough to move mountains, obliterate obstacles, and win spiritual battles, but it’s often filled with anti-faith thoughts and expectations. Once those are gone, the “substance of things hoped for” becomes extremely potent.
Purify your faith by turning attention away from your faith and putting it on God. See him alone. Expect his goodness alone. Let your heart be filled with his hope alone. The faith you have will be enough, and mountains will melt under its power.