Purity of Heart Brings Clarity

Matthew 5:8  

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

What motivates you? That is the question that gets to the heart of this beatitude. Are you motivated by money? Success? Power? Popularity? Physical fitness? Guilt? Resentment?

Single-mindedness. Undivided devotion. Spiritual integrity. True righteousness. That's a pretty high bar. Do we need a Savior, or what?

If our hearts are "pure," we won't try to follow the Lord and the world at the same time. This is a constant battle for me when it comes to my daily radio show. What motivates me? Is it popularity? The desire to "go nationwide?" A bigger audience = more advertising dollars = more money for me. My desire should only be to make God known and encourage His people … the rest is left to Him. It's hard to look into the mirror of my heart, but look I must, and when it's not pure? Repent, seek forgiveness, and cleansing (1 John 1:9).

Jesus blasted the Pharisees on this one. They were focused on their outward deeds but the motivation of their hearts was impure. That's why Jesus said in Matthew 23:27 they were like "whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean." You may look great on the outside, but is your heart unclean? Sometimes, I wish we would dress for church in a way that accurately reflects the state of our hearts. It might not be such a pretty sight this coming Sunday. We may be able to fool each other, and even our closest friend or spouse, but none of us can fool God. Remember: man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

So, let's say that we get this one right today. Our motives are pure and directed at God's calling on our lives. We live for Him and for others and not for ourselves. Jesus promised that we would "see God," right? He wasn't talking about salvation or your future in Heaven. He was talking about now. Today.

You will see Him in creation. You will see Him in the faces of your family. You will see Him in the house that shelters you. The car that you drive. The air that you breathe. The friends that love you. The clothes on your back. The Bible that you own. The circumstances of your life. The praises of thanksgiving. The hugs of your children. The kiss of your spouse. The gifts and talents He has given you. Your salvation. Your future in Glory.

Blessed are the pure in heart, indeed.

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