Put on the Armor Daily

Read: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.”  (Ephesians 6:11)

Think:  Remember when the most dangerous thing we had to protect ourselves from was cooties? I remember having all the defenses I needed back then. Armed with cootie spray and the all-important cootie shield, I was invincible. When a girl approached with that villainous gleam in her eye, up went the cootie shield and nothing could harm me. My cootie shield saved my life as a child.

Today we fight different battles.  We fight spiritual battles.  While they may be invisible like cooties, they are much different… they are real.  We fight these battles each and every day.  While you might not always think about the enemy (the devil), the enemy is constantly thinking about you.  It is kind of like our teeth.  I may not see bacteria destroying my teeth, yet I have come to learn that it is constantly waging war against them and that I must defend my teeth through consistent brushing and flossing.  I trust the experts who tell me that daily tooth care is important. 

But how much do I trust God who tells me that daily soul care is important?  Do I really believe that there is an enemy seeking to destroy me?  Am I willing to take up the full armor of God, praying and reading His Word with consistency?  God has given us armor to stand firm against the enemy.  It only works when we put it on.  Most soldiers don’t sleep in their armor; therefore we must put it on daily.  Take some time to run through the armor in Ephesians 6 today and arm yourself with what God has given to you.

Ask: In what ways are you being attacked today?  Have you been hit with the arrows of the enemy?  When is the last time you spent quality time with God in His Word and in prayer?  Is this a daily habit?

Pray: Our Father in heaven, You are our fortress and our defense.  It is behind Your walls that we can take refuge and find our strength.  I trust in You to protect me from the evil one and keep me from stumbling.  Amen.

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