Put Your Worries in the Basket

Have you ever been scared about a test at school? When I have tests, I get really worried—worried that I don’t know all the stuff I need to know, worried that I’ll get an F.

When I get up in the morning before a big test, I usually tell my mom that I’m scared. But she says that I will do just fine and that God is watching over me. I say, “I’m going to get an F!” But my mom says, “You’ll do great! ‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you’” (1 Peter 5:7 NIV).

That passage really helps me get over my fears. When I hear it, I think of a basket that says my name. I throw my worries in the basket, and God takes it away and says, “Give me your worries. You will do amazing!”

How about you? Do you get scared or have worries? Just remember to throw them in the basket! God will help you when you have troubles too.

Chomp on this!

What sorts of things do you worry about?

Can you think of some hymns or songs that you can sing with your family to remind you that God takes care of your worries?

Dear Lord, thank you for your help when we have troubles, especially when we are sad or worried or maybe need help with a friend. In the name of our Father in heaven. Amen.


*This devotion was written by Sam, a kid just like you.

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