There is a rumor going around that I need to put to rest. I get this question asked to me probably at LEAST once a week, most of the time more. Every time I hear it, I cringe a little on the inside.
It’s not at all what I want to portray but I can see how being on social media and posting the “highlights” of my life can maybe make it look that way. But I have a really easy answer to this question …
I do the best I can but I fail at so much … but I can say that I’m pretty good about getting back up quickly (except for that “juicing” for 30 days idea … oh and the triathlon idea … and a million other things) but for the most part, I get back up quick and try to do better. Real life is happening here and I lack in a lot of areas. Just yesterday Ryan was upset with me because his bike shorts were still dirty … and the last time he biked was before Christmas :-/ We go out to eat probably 70% of the time. I make to-do lists and lose them. I just spilled coffee on my keyboard and had to get a new laptop. Judah probably watches too much educational tv … ahem, I mean Caillou. My house is most certainly almost always cluttered and messy. I never make my bed. I don’t get my nails done. I usually almost always need my hair done and my roots are way too long. I see all these people taking their Christmas decor down the day after but not me … I barely got the ornaments off the tree yesterday but the actual tree is still standing bare naked in the corner of the living room looking a little sad.
The day after Christmas I posted a picture of my dining room labeled “The Aftermath” – I got a ton of comments of people high-fiving and “Amening,” agreeing that their house looked similar. One of my friends stopped me at a restaurant the a few days after Christmas and said, “Thank you for posting that pic. It made me feel a little better about my own aftermath that was lingering at my own house. I almost posted my own pic after seeing yours but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it but I’m so glad you did!”
So with all that said, I DO stay busy … but I’m working on the balancing act. It’s tough! If I excel in one thing, it seems like something else might suffer (like laundry). It helps that I have a family that is on the Embrace Grace team and in this with me … and Red Bull (cranberry) helps too.
I feel like God gave me my scripture for this year:
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” {Matthew 6:33}
You might be at a place in your life where you feel like God is calling you to some kind of ministry but you’re worried about how to juggle all the roles of wife, mom, plus accomplishing God’s work that He has for you. We don’t have to wait until we have it all together before we step out into that calling because chances are, you never will! When we put God first and seek Him, all the “extra’s” He inspires us to do, doesn’t have to be stressful. He gives us grace where we lack and equips us where we need to be equipped. His timing is perfect! I love what Chris Caine says, “The “all” we should want to have and do is tied in to God Himself and His purpose for our lives. If we seek Him first always and align our lives with the good works He has prepared for us, it is truly amazing how our crazy, full-to-overflowing lives seem to work.”
But with all that said, I DO believe in dreaming Big. I do believe in seizing the moment. I do believe in making an impact in my family and on the world – little or big. We only get one shot at life! This is our chance to go and do things that you’ve only dreamed of doing. We have a responsibility to make a way for the people around us pointing towards our Heavenly Father. I’ve pulled all-nighters. I’ve burned the midnight oil. I’ve researched and stepped out on limbs. I’ve done things that make me uncomfortable but has made me grow as a person … and it was all worth it and would do it over again.
This is a God-Adventure we are on! Every day seek Him first and ask Him where to go. He will lead you and it’s FUN – even when it’s hard, it’s still fun! NOTHING is impossible when God is in you!
Dream Big – Live Big – Love Big!