Our objective is not to isolate, but infiltrate. Not to evade, but invade.
As I pointed out in my last post, we must first speak in a language they understand. Today, let’s look at two more things we need to do.
We must use every means possible
The early Church was able to use the Roman roads, which connected much of the civilized world, to get the gospel message out. These roads were built because Rome had conquered so much territory that it needed a way to get goods and communication to the people under their control.
These roads also took the primitive first-century world and opened it up. It was the first-century equivalent of the Internet!
Today, there is a place for using all available media to reach people, whether it be old school (TV, radio, or newspaper) or new media (Internet, podcasts, webcasts, blogging, tweeting, social networking, etc.).
We need to use every means possible to reach as many people as possible. We need the gospel to infiltrate every nook and cranny!
We need to bring them the message of the gospel
Some will respond favorably to our message and come to faith, while others will not. Paul compares the way people respond to the gospel to their reaction to perfume:
Now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a fragrance presented by Christ to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those being saved and by those perishing. (2 Corinthians 2:14-15)
Now, some people wear way too much cologne or perfume. When they give you a hug, you smell like Chanel No. 5, and the sad thing it was a man! Or worse yet, you smell like Jade East, which I used to wear in high school (Hey, it was affordable!).
What is a fragrance to one is a stench to another! Garlic in your food can be great, but garlic on our breath afterward is the worst.
Living a godly life will, by its very nature, expose and confront those that live “ungodly.” Our job is to just faithfully share the gospel and leave the results up to God.