In the first century there were no Doppler radars, weather satellites, or computer generated models, and no TV weather persons, but they still knew how to predict seasonal temperatures. When the trees began to sprout, especially the fig trees, they knew that the hot weather would soon arrive.
Jesus used this kind of farmer’s almanac common sense to tell His followers living when the cataclysmic signs He predicted started to occur (Lk. 21:25), it was time to stand up and lookup. Once the end began, it would culminate quickly.
“Jesus told them this illustrative story, ‘Look at the fig tree, or any of the trees. When they sprout, you can see for yourselves that summer is near. In this same way when you see these things happening, know that the Kingdom of God is near. Count on it. This generation will not pass away until all is fulfilled. Heaven and earth will come to an end, but my Word will never pass away.’” Luke 21:29-33
Jesus’ promise to return, justly judge all evil, and set up a Kingdom that will make the entire world like the garden of Eden, is certain. Like God said at the beginning of His Story in Genesis 1, humans will rule over His creation and His Son will be on the throne. Today we hear a lot of warning about the destruction of our planet. In fact, it will be destroyed, but if we are connected to Jesus, He promises a New Heaven and Earth that will endure forever. Each of us has to decide who we will believe.
LORD, our computer models of the weather only project with any degree of accuracy about 15 days ahead. Thanks that Your Son could tell us almost two thousand years ago that after all the wars, earthquakes, famines, and a host of other catastrophes that in the end He would return and set up Your Kingdom. Use this promise to help me stand up for You today and continue to help others to meet Your Son.