For people who have been redeemed and rebirthed by God’s Spirit, we can be awfully insecure. We’re called holy and beloved, adopted and treasured, set apart and seated above. Still, many of us sometimes wonder if the God of love even likes us. We’re like adopted children who aren’t entirely comfortable in the living room. We’re just not sure the new home is really ours.
One of the manifestations of our insecurity is the tendency to believe in God’s love for others far more easily than we believe in his love for us. We know he does love us, but that’s because it’s his job description. He’s God. He has to—even if we’re his problem child. But does he have genuine affection for us? Does he enjoy our company? Does he really like who we are?
According to Scripture, he does. He didn’t much like the rebellion we have all participated in, but he loves us enough to overcome it. He paid a huge price for it. He gave us the privilege of calling him Father in the most intimate terms: papa, daddy, 'abba. He warmly welcomes us into his kingdom and gives us royal robes. Long after he calls us servants, he calls us friends.
Get comfortable in the kingdom. Never lose your awe of who he is, but never hold back either. Run into his arms, knowing how thoroughly welcomed you are. By faith in the Redeemer, get the most out of your redemption. You’re in the family. It’s okay to act like it, think like it, and even get comfortable in the living room.