“What can I do for you, ma’am?”
There was that word again. Ma’am. I’d been hearing it a lot lately. Yes, ma’am. Good morning, ma’am. You’re welcome, ma’am. Although the people saying it are simply being polite, it’s serving as a subtle reminder that I’m not twenty anymore—as if I needed reminding.
Thank goodness, the image I’m seeing in the mirror is not a reflection of the real me. That’s because the real me is a spirit and cannot be seen in a physical mirror. After all, God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and since He created me in His image and after His own kind, I am a spirit too.
I find out what my spirit looks like by gazing into the spiritual mirror, God’s Word. It’s in God’s mirror that I see my spiritual reflection, which looks exactly like God—righteous, holy, pure, without deficit, and full of raising-from-the-dead power.
The problem is, I’m not just a spirit. I have a soul (made up of my mind, will, and emotions) and a body. Unlike my spirit, which is as complete as God’s spirit, my soul and body are in process and always need improvement.
Although I currently have to live in a corrupted body, I’ll one day trade it in for an updated, glorified model. Thank You, Jesus! But I can do something about the state of my mind—part of my soul—right now. In fact, I am commanded to do so in Romans 12:2:
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind [by thinking like God thinks], that ye may prove [manifest] what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Brackets mine)
In his book Spirit, Soul & Body, Andrew Wommack says,
“It’s your mind, your thoughts, your attitudes that determine whether you experience victory and the life of God [that’s] in your spirit or the defeat and death of the fallen natural realm. Renewing your mind to the Word facilitates your transformation.” (pp. 20-21, brackets mine)
In other words, there’s only one reason that we don’t experience God’s kind of life right here, right now:
Because we don’t think like God thinks.
That’s it.
I’ve had a chronic health issue for several years. Though I have been standing on God’s Word for my healing, I haven’t yet seen the manifestation. Sitting in class one day at Charis, I heard the Holy Spirit speak this to my heart:
Daddy says He’s healed you, and you don’t have to be sick.
I thought, How awesome is that?! I don’t have to be sick!
But wait a minute. If I don’t have to be sick, then why am I experiencing sickness?
The answer is pretty simple: Regarding my health, I’m not thinking like God thinks.
Thankfully, I don’t have to wait until I get to heaven to experience healing, victory, and the life of God. As I spend time gazing into God’s mirror and letting His thoughts dominate mine, I can experience heaven on earth!
By Sylvia F. Wells