Reflections from the Surf: Having Passion and Persistence at Work

Working in My Passion

As we sat on the beach, I reflected on how blessed I had been to love my work throughout three different careers.  Some would say that I just love to work—and that is true, I’m action-oriented. But, it’s also true that I’ve been able to work in my areas of passion and that has made so much of a difference. In my second career I was able to help others find their passion, and to some degree I get to do that today as I work with leaders and help them develop and develop their people.  There is no greater labor for a leader than to develop people.  The payoff is better results and higher performance with greater commitment and the joy of being part of something that is growing in a positive direction.

Persistence in Life and Work

My reflections then turned to the amazing persistence of the surf; the waves never stop coming. By nature I’m not so persistent.  I prefer to start something and move on.  It was only in the confines of a dark and dismal cell as a POW that I learned to stay focused and finish what I started.

Persistence is important in every endeavor.  Whether it’s finishing your homework, completing school, working late to finish a project, or “finishing the drill” in sports, winners persist to the point of sacrifice in order to achieve their goals.  My teachers from high school would be amazed to know that I finished and published three books. It was only because I learned to keep moving forward, like the waves that never stop. The lesson of persistence is evident in nature and in every area of success. Think of the Olympic champions, think of the single moms who raise great kids, remember Abraham Lincoln who lost 7 elections, but became one of our greatest presidents. The examples are everywhere.

If you are facing a difficult challenge right now, be it financial, needing a good job, or a leadership crisis at work, don’t give in.  Work through it and let your persistence be like the waves that keep coming.  Every day, do your duty, whatever that is, to move toward your goal and don’t quit until you have the victory that you are looking for. 

Oh, don’t forget that unlike the waves, we humans need rest and relaxation, so I hope that you got some rest this past weekend as you take time away to enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

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