Reforge the Sword

There is something so beautiful about those nights when you can go to sleep without setting an alarm clock. They come few and far between for me, so you can imagine the excitement I felt in my hotel room when I was able to draw the blackout curtains, pop my melatonin sleeping aid, and fall into a deep slumber until my body would be wakened fully rejuvenated.

But, alas, such rest was not to be. It always seems to happen that way, doesn’t it? I found myself wide awake in the middle of the night hearing a phrase resounding in my head:

Reforge the sword.

I got out of bed, switched on the light, and sat down to capture a few thoughts in the hope that afterward I could go back to sleep. That night, the Spirit of God revealed to me that far too many Christians wield only pieces and fragments of His Word—no longer lifting God’s Word as a whole.

Now, imagine warriors lifting broken swords in battle. A handle without a blade would not serve as any form of protection. Or if a sword lacked its cross-guard, the warrior’s hand would slide down the blade upon impact. When all of the pieces of a sword are not joined together, they are edges without points, metal without power, and blades without momentum.

God’s Word is alive, powerful, perfect, and pure—it is our sword. Pieces of the gospel will not be enough when we are standing in desperate seasons.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22 ESV

Whenever we fail to apply what we have learned in Scripture, we are like the warrior lifting a broken sword in battle. The Word of God is not black and red ink on fragile tissue pages; it is fire and steel for our souls. There is much more power in studying, praying, and declaring His Word in a holistic form.

Satan is not afraid of a disjointed church that wields pieces and fragments of God’s mighty Word. As a church, it is time we rise up and fully arm ourselves with the sword of His Word reforged and expressed through our lives. As we begin to read and apply all the Word and not just our favorite passages, we will truly recognize what has been placed in our hands.

We are heading into a battle. Will you be caught without your weapon, or will you wield it in all its power?


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