Each year our team is heads out to Australia for a Wild at Heart Boot Camp. One of the things God is teaching me through these front-line missions advancing the Kingdom is how to stay in Christ. “Remain in me,” Jesus says in John 15, the implication being we can not remain in him; we wander off. If God has to implore us to stay in him, then he knows it is quite possible not to. How do we wander off? I think one chief means is speculation.
We let our thoughts run out ahead of us. “What’s this going to be like? How tough will the battle be? How am I going to handle the 14 hour flight?” Stuff like that. Some of it might just be eager anticipation; some of it is apprehension. But whatever the form, speculation is not a good thing. It moves me out of Christ in this very moment. He is not leading my speculations. I am. Or my fear is.
I forget the source of the quote, but I read long ago that a coward faces his battles twice – once in his apprehensions and fears as he anticipates them, the other when he must face the battle itself. It is a very draining thing spiritually. And so I am learning to face my battles once. I’m not going to think about the 14 hour flight, the 6 hour time change, the jet lag, the battles. I am going to stay with God today, and what today is about.