
1 Peter 5:6-7

Cast all your cares upon him, because he cares for you.  ~ 1 Peter 5.7

These words were penned by the Apostle Peter, one of Jesus’ closest disciples. If ever there was a guy prone to “take matters into his own hands,” it was Peter. However, over the years, Peter learned he couldn’t control everything, and his best option was to humbly “hand the reins” over to God.

When we worry, we’re ultimately telling God we either don’t think he’s powerful enough to handle the situation, or he doesn’t care enough to intervene. This is precisely the aim of Peter’s reminder to “cast all our cares upon him.” When we begin to experience anxiety and worry, the best remedy is trust.  Trust that God is truly good and capable of handling whatever circumstances tomorrow might bring.

Unfortunately, this kind of trust is not a one-time event. It’s something we have to do over and over again as each opportunity for worry presents itself. In short, we need to develop a habitual lifestyle of trusting God with all our cares.

To aid you, take a minute and write out 1 Peter 5.7 on a notecard. Put it somewhere highly visible (like your mirror or dashboard) and commit it to memory. May we learn to trust God moment by moment, recognizing he is able and cares for us more than we can imagine.

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