Resting with Jesus

Read Mark 6:30-56

One particular morning, as I was getting the kids out of our cluttered front door for school, I found myself inspired. We don't need these mitts and hats and winter stuff anymore, I thought. I'm going to clean out some closets. And there was no doubt in my mind whose closet I should start with. My own.

It was while walking to my room to undertake my mission that it happened. I glanced into the kids bathroom. It was a mess. I'll just tidy it up a bit first, I thought. I took out the cleaner and, using an all-too-handy dirty towel, I started to “tidy.” Well, as you can imagine, it took longer than I had thought. About 20 minutes later, after I'd finished the bathroom, I was then confronted with a pile of dirty towels. I'll just gather the laundry first, I thought. So, I began my search for dirty clothes. Unfortunately, they weren’t hard to find. Before I knew it, my humble search had uncovered five loads of dirty laundry, and I hadn't even had breakfast yet. But this was no time for food! There was work to be done.

After sorting through and then throwing in the first load, I finally made my way to my room. This was now major event #3 in my fairly young morning, but that didn’t stop me. I attacked my closet with gusto. You should've seen it. Clothes and shoes were flying! (and the extra hangers I discovered… my kids would have no excuse for not hanging up their clothes now!). I sorted. I tried on. I categorized. Yes, when I was done, my bedroom closet was a sight to behold. I was proud. I was relieved. I was pooped. And then, I looked at our reading for today.

Mark chapter six finds Jesus and His disciples quite busy, ministering in various villages in the area. There was work to be done and, under the direction of Jesus, the disciples were doing it. But we don't get very far into today's reading before we make a refreshing discovery.

Then Jesus said, Let's get away from the crowds for a while and rest. Mark 6:31a

Can you hear the compassion behind His words? Can you see the smiles of relief from His weary disciples? Does your breathing start to slow down at the thought of resting with Jesus? Yes there is much to do. And yes, the workers are few. And yes, Jesus cares more about you than anything you could ever do for Him.

Maybe you just needed to be reminded of that. Maybe I did too. Maybe that's why, in the middle of feeding the multitudes, walking on water, and teaching in the Temple, Jesus called those closest to Him to rest.

Is He calling you too?

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