Roman Road, Part 3

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 NIV

God continues to love. Even while we are sinning, God keeps on loving us. Isn’t that what a good parent does?

I’m glad this verse exists. If God had required something of us, before we could receive salvation, how many of us would have made it? What if God had requested we go a year without any sin, prior to our conversion? Could you do that? Sure, you might be able to go a year without committing physical adultery or even telling a lie, but could you keep any bad thoughts from going through your mind? Could you keep God first in everything you do? Could you keep from doing the sins of “commission” (acts you do), as well as the sins of “omission” (acts you don’t do)? When God requires that you “pray continually” and “be at peace with everyone,” could you do that?

No, we couldn’t do all that God demands of us. We are sinners. We were born that way. Thankfully, God loved us anyway. Jesus willingly went to the Cross in spite of our sin.

God demonstrated His love to us by allowing His Son to suffer and die on our behalf, with us contributing nothing to the cause. In fact, we come to Him, not just empty-handed, but with a huge debt of sin. He replaces that burden of guilt with the gift of grace, giving us something we don’t deserve.

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

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