Roman Road, Part 6

For "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13 NIV

I meet so many people who can’t accept the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Or, if they have accepted it, they can’t continue to trust in God’s Word to save them. Many people, who believe they are saved by grace through faith, begin to think that they must then work hard to maintain their salvation.

Dear friend, the Word of God is very clear to me. The Scripture here doesn’t say, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord MAY be saved”. It says they WILL be saved. Salvation is not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9); it is a free gift of God.

If you have confessed and if you have believed in your heart, then you WILL be saved. Period. End of story.

Now, there are those who have never truly obeyed God’s word in belief. They went through the motions. They walked the church aisle. They went under the water of baptism, but there was never really a time when they turned their heart towards Jesus alone. I can’t answer for you or anyone else if that change in your life has ever occurred. God knows.

But, don’t try to complicate God’s promise. Everyone, and as far as I can tell that includes you, who calls upon the name of the Lord...WILL be saved! That’s not a promise from me, that's a promise from God!

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