“My son, if sinners lure you, do not go along. My son, do not follow them in their way. Do not even set foot on their path” (Proverbs 1:10,15).
Your parents have warned you about talking to strangers. If an adult would say, “Hey, I want to kidnap you,” you’d never even go near that person because you know it’s dangerous. In fact you’d run away.
Parents know, though, that you might be tempted to go by a strange car if someone offered you candy or wanted to show you puppies. After all, who doesn’t love candy, and puppies are adorable. That’s why your parents warn you over and over about being careful of the offers that sound awesome.
That’s what King Solomon is warning you about in today’s passage. He’s telling you to be careful of the sins that lure you, that tempt you because they sound good. It’s pretty easy to turn down obvious sins like this: “Hey, let’s go beat someone up.” But when you hear, “Wow, can you believe she’s wearing that?” sometimes it’s easy to join in. We think we won’t get caught or we’re afraid our friends will be mad at us if we tell them to stop.
Your parents are wise when they tell you to run away from strangers’ cars. Solomon was wise when he told you to run away from temptation.