"I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you may know that it is I, The LORD … who calls you by your name” Isaiah 45:3.
Let’s be honest…every one of us desires to be important and valued in everything we do. Think about the time when your parent told only you something important and asked you to keep it private for the moment. Or times when a secret decision is sweetly shared just between you and your spouse? What about that time when the leader of your work called you in, and confided in you about some future decision? No doubt there was a feeling of acceptance...approval…maybe even a little bit of pride as you turned and left that office. You had a secret that affected many and a boss who valued you enough to share that secret...chosen… selected …trusted in the hidden rooms with guarded secrets.
God also has secrets that He wants to share with us that will affect many. His secret is something that only we share with our Creator. What if we would operate in our spiritual lives in the same manner? What if we zealously sought to be in the private places with God as much as we long for this with our family…our spouses…our management team? Isaiah 45:3 tells us that we serve a God who desires this from us. He sits in the secret place of our prayers waiting for us to give Him the same face time we give to people and activities. His desire is for us to long for Him, but He patiently sits and watches our longing for something else. He has a treasure trove just waiting to share with us…sacred secrets to whisper in our spirit…treasures to be collected and share with others in time. He knows that we mainly seek Him in darkness instead of light. He creates challenges so He can share with us what He had already planned to give us. But we give our attention and concentration to other people …other things… other activities.
What if we placed our efforts in prayer instead of pondering, or intimacy with One instead of acceptance with many? Jesus has hidden secrets that are meant for our ears only, but will our secrets go unrealized? When will we ever truly understand that the ultimate power meeting will be with the One who has the ultimate power? We must learn to dwell through the day in our fellowship with God to give Him the space to confide in us. We are chosen…selected…trusted in our hidden places with the Almighty.
“He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” Psalm 91:1.